Surviving Sarah

Episode 236: Jeffrey & Amy Olrick | The Science Behind Connecting With Your Kids



Today, I am so happy to welcome Amy and Jeffrey Olrick to the show. Jeffrey is a clinical psychologist who 
has worked with children and families for over twenty years. Amy is an author whose work and writing has been featured in the Guardian and USA Today. Together, the Olricks are the authors of The 6 Needs of Every Child: Empowering Parents & Kids through the Science of Connection.   I can’t tell you how much I wish I had this book when I started parenting. Most of the books I read in those early years focused on behavior and getting to the motivation behind their behavior. But this book focuses on building connection. This book really gives you handlebars on how to pay attention to their behavior and yours and then how to see what you and they really need.   So that’s what we talk about in this converation—how to build connection with our kids by paying attention to the 6 needs that they are wired to have.    Let me say that recording the podcast has been just like everything else in 2020. I have expe