Surviving Sarah

Re-Release with Rachel Stafford the Hands Free Mama | Choosing Love, Letting Go of Control & Reframing Failure



Each month I re-release an older episode of Surviving Sarah and I decided to re-release my conversation with Rachel Stafford for December. You may know her as the Hands Free Mama. She is a best selling author penning the books Hands Free Mama, Hands Free Life and Only Love Today.   Rachel is one of those people who have been influential in my life—even without her knowing it. I can remember reading her blog back when Sinclair was about 2 or 3 years old and her words were such an encouragement to me. And now we live close to each other and she has been gracious to give me some of her time for morning walks to talk about life, faith, parenting and writing. I think she is such an amazing woman.   I chose to put this episode back in your ears because we are standing at the cusp of a new year and I think this conversation will set you up for 2019. This conversation originally took place on the cusp of 2017 and what we discussed greatly impacted me. And I still reference what we talked about often and practice the