The Real Truth About You - William Sinclair Helps You To Uncover The Most Amazing Version Of You

54 We Need To Experience That Deep and Intimate Trust



Being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but of inner strength that can lead to intimacy. On my journey of inner transformation I have discovered the need to ‘open up’ and be vulnerable to another person. In turn, the other person needs to create an environment of safety in order to allow that openness to happen. This is when healing can happen in the deepest way. This is the case with Edrina and me. She can open up to me and become vulnerable because I create the trust and safety she needs in order to tell me and show me her inner most self. And she creates the trust and safety that I need in order to tell her when I am hurting on the inside. This ‘poverty of being’, when we seem to be at our lowest but able to share with someone else, can create a deep sense of intimacy. When we can experience that deep and intimate trust in another human being, it is easier to become intimate and trusting with God, the healer of all hurts. This intimacy, this trust, this vulnerability is born of love and it is love that