The Real Truth About You - William Sinclair Helps You To Uncover The Most Amazing Version Of You

Failing Your Way To Success – TRTAY Episode 34



This talk isn’t for everyone. It’s for those who are ready. This talk is different. The world doesn’t like to see failure, yet ask anyone who is “successful” in life and you’ll see someone who has failed many times. Any motivational speaker will talk about getting back up, and it’s not how often you fall but what you do when you get back up. Yet, this talk is different. It’s not for everyone. To truly succeed in this life, to discover the Real True You, it is mandatory that you fail. It is a prerequisite to success. This episode’s quote is from Ray Bradbury, “You will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall.” Today we talk about how the forest fires and hurricanes in your life can bring what you need to grow. Begin by giving yourself permission to fail. Only then can you begin to succeed. Join me in today’s podcast… Our website is m