The Real Truth About You - William Sinclair Helps You To Uncover The Most Amazing Version Of You

25 Don’t Look For Yourself In The Future. Learn How To Love Yourself and Accept Yourself Today



(Image: "Committed To Fly" - by Podcaster and photographer Will Sinclair In today’s podcast: Take the best and leave the rest | You hear what you’re meant to hear when you’re meant to hear it | The spirituality of subtraction and the art of letting go | Seeing the Light in you | A journal can be a tool of awareness in your journey | The story of a dream I had, a journal entry and an amazing awareness | Reverting back to the coping skills of childhood | Accepting the right now – the present moment | There is no future you, only the present you | Accept and learn how to love yourself for who you are right now and not just who you may become | Living in the now moment | How Surely Gravity’s Law life poem | Like the bird, learn to fall before you can fly.