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21 Chat With Chris Juchacz - Some Answers About the Roman Catholic Church and His Life's Calling



Chris Juchacz is "training" to become a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. In this interview I did with him, mostly about his life and how to hear God, Chris reveals some Catholic answers to questions many ask about the Catholic Church, the Catholic hierarchy and its purpose, Catholic beliefs, the Catholic mass and much more. Chris' life journey will inspire you. It took him from questioning the actual existence of God to a calling he just couldn't resist. He has a heart for people and for sharing the love of God with everyone. Join me on today's podcast... 0:00 Introduction | 1:00 The Catholic definition of a priest and a seminarian | 1:40 What is a Catholic Mass? | 5:34 What is a Bishop? | 6:50 What is a Deacon? | 7:43 Questioning God's existence | 10:25 Does praying really help? | 11:11 The Dark Night of the Soul | 11:26 About Mother Teresa | 13:36 Are we still connected with our deceased loved ones, those who have died, or are we alone in this world? | 15:20 Eastern Church icons - religious graffiti |