St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Podcasts (pickerington, Ohio)

"God, Church, and Family" - Deacon Tom Barford (06/08/2019)



Pentecost Sunday (the 60th Anniversary Msgr. Ed Fairchild) June 8, 2019 Deacon Tom Barford                                                                             We come together to celebrate this great feast of Pentecost.  On this final day of the Easter season, we celebrate what some have called the “birthday of the church.”   The sending of the Holy Spirit, this great gift from our God, makes possible the Christian Life, that is, our relationship to God our Father and our ability to follow Jesus.  Although Christ has ascended, he is still with us in the sacraments, in the scriptures, in the community of believers (as he was to the early disciples). And through this gift the Holy Spirit dwells in the hearts of every Christian.      Many Catholics don’t seem to appreciate the great gift of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  In our 2nd reading from Corinthians we hear; “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are diffe