Pastor Joel Laswell

Message 357: "Why the Cross?"



People do not understand what the cross means and when you tell them its meaning, they usually do not want to hear about it as it cuts straight to the heart and then tough decisions are required. So the preaching of the cross and its meaning isn't preached much in churches today. A different cross is preached... one that tickles the ears of the listeners. But the truth of the cross is not heard much today. So much so that Ellen White said on one occasion, "The cross has been almost lost sight of." White, Our High Calling, p46. That does not mean that people are not seeing the cross on the churches or around other peoples necks or on the rear view mirror of the car. People see all those things but they do not really see what it is about or what it really means for them. And I want to tell you that if you take the cross away, it is just like taking the sun out of the heavens. Everything is lost and we have no hope! What does the cross mean for each of us? Lets find out...