Pastor Joel Laswell

Message 279: "No King but Caesar"



In the Scriptures, our robe, or our clothing, is used as a symbol for our character. Normally what we choose to wear on the outside tells everyone who sees us something about what is in our heart… what we treasure. It says something about our true character. We see this in the experience of Adam and Eve. They had a robe of light, representing a righteous character. When they sinned and lost that covering, they made some fig-leaf garments to replace it. These artificial garments have become synonymous with righteousness by works, and such garments are not acceptable for citizens of God’s kingdom. In place of the leaves, the Lord prepared a garment for them from the skin of an animal. This garment, which cost the life of the innocent animal, was symbolic of the robe of Christ’s righteousness, which cost the life of His own Son and which all who will be citizens of heaven must wear. Which robe do you choose to wear? Who will be your king?