Pastor Joel Laswell

Message 275: "Life's Uncertainty"



When you lay your head on the pillow at night and close your eyes, you sleep in faith that you will awaken again for a new day. You close your eyes with the assumption that all will be well as you sleep. You don’t expect to be awakened at 4am with a life or death call for help. There is nothing in this life that is foolproof, at least nothing mechanical. There are no supermen and no super agents. It takes but one projectile through the heart, or the bursting of one vessel in the brain, or one drunk driver swerving into our lane at the wrong time, and all is wiped out. Nothing in this life is foolproof. There is nothing sure or stable in this life without God's direct protection and care—not your marriage, your money, your children, your health, your church, your nation, and certainly not yourself. Nothing! We need to humble ourselves before God and invite Him into our lives. We need to realize our total dependence upon Him.