Pastor Joel Laswell

Message 286: "The Negative Wavers"



Our message, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is a message of good news. We are not to be negative wavers though it may look gloomy all around us. There will not be any doomsday for the righteous; that is only for the wicked, those who have rejected the message of salvation that has been freely offered to all. The devil wants to seduce you; if that doesn’t succeed, then he wants to deceive you, and if that doesn’t work, then he wants to terrify you. We need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and what He’s going to do for His people at the end of the world. It is the devil’s business to get God’s people discouraged, and the way he does it is by sending you a constant barrage of negative waves and predictions of doom. Give little heed to the negative wavers!