Bloody Mary Podcast

Episode 35 The Descent with Sonal Aggarwal



In Episode 35 Sonal Aggarwal, world traveler and Chicago based comedian, sat down to talk about The Descent with your host Kristin Lytie. The two quickly realized it was not quite the film they remembered loving as young women. However in that moment Sonal stressed her fondness of remembering the first time she viewed The Descent. She also explored her ability to appreciate things she doesn't like and value the artistic labor that went into them, even the worst head crushing scene. She's zen as fuck if you hadn't noticed. Within this film there is are very strong themes of hurtful competition among women, women being brutalized for standing up to power, and women also being brutalized for ..being funny? And ladies, don't forget to apologize! Sonal also shared stories of her own spelunking which made Kristin deeply uncomfortable. You may have seen Sonal in the movie, Signature Move: Or in the web series, Code Switched: