Lebowski Publishers

Hanna Bervoets - Day 1851 - 2.3.74 (2)



"Day 1851", a story by Hanna Bervoets, translated by Jonathan Reeder, read to you by Joshua Baumgarten In a near future, elderly people inhabit resorts, in which every resident has access to a personal care-robot. The friendly-looking device measures heart rate and blood pressure, and tracks food intake. The robot makes sure its client is safe and healthy. Always. But resident Mrs. De Clou is tired with life. When she asks her robot to drive her into sea, a conflict in the robot’s algorithm shows: the robot has to obey Mrs. De Clou, but it also has to secure her safety. What now? This is a story from literary magazine for Grounded SF "2.3.74" (2), with stories from the Netherlands and Flanders. Read all stories at www.magazine2374.com/.