Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Episode 39: Getting into Alignment



Have you ever felt so certain about an outcome that you just knew that it was going to happen? You “felt it in your bones” as they say. Well, how about having that feeling of certainty about everything you choose to do in your life. How would that feel, knowing with complete certainty that the outcome you desired or something even better was coming to you? In this episode of the podcast I talk about how important it is to get clear about what you want in order to get into that place of certainty. How it feels to be in that “zone”. And how to get into that feeling place of being certain of the outcome. According to Wallace D Wattles “Every action is either strong or weak and when every one is strong you're acting in the certain way which will make you rich. Every act can be made strong and efficient by holding your vision while you are doing it and putting the whole power of your faith and purpose into it.” Here he talks about getting rich but the principal can just as easily be applied to any aspect of