Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Episode 37 - There is more for you!



Do you find yourself holding back, limiting your expectations and settling for less than you wanted? Are you feeling abundant in some areas of your life but feeling totally restricted and lacking in others? If you’ve answered No, and you find that you are getting everything out of life that you want and more, I applaud you. Well done for living from a place of freedom and certainty. If you found yourself agreeing, and you’re feeling lost or wondering what is going on, don’t worry, most people feel this way. I too find myself holding back and playing small in certain areas of my life at times. And that’s okay. It is very common to feel this way, but the key is not to allow yourself to STAY stuck. Trust the Universe is supporting you and work through it with faith that the universe has your back. If you’ve been limiting yourself (perhaps without even knowing it), let this Episode be the catalyst for expansion and greater freedom in your life. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes - Fie