Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Episode 19: Finding Your Why



If you were to reach the end of your life and someone asked you “why did you choose to live life the way you did?” How would you answer? Would you explain the clear choices you had made or would you stare blankly back wondering the same? Is your life happening to you or are you making it happen FOR you? In this episode of the Podcast, I’m sharing a process known as the Seven Why’s. It will help you to get to the bottom of your decisions and find out what drives you. It’s a process that I use all the time and one that anyone can adopt to help them to live a better life, a life of your own choosing. If we don’t make conscious choices, then we will keep repeating the same old habits and patterns over and over. When this happens, life sweeps you along, you’re no longer in the drivers seat, you aren’t even in the passenger seat, you’re in the back seat wondering why life hasn’t met your expectations. Don’t let that happen. Take back control starting now! FOLLOW ME ON: Facebook: