Designing Enterprise Platforms

EAR Podcast with Alluxio's Steven Mih



On this edition of the Designing Enterprise Platforms podcast of Early Adopter Research (EAR), Dan Woods, the founder and principal analyst at Early Adopter Research speaks with Steven Mih, the CEO of a new company called Alluxio. Alluxio is a company that comes out of the AMPLab at UC Berkeley, which brought the world Spark and many other products for processing data at scale. The AMPLab has created a stack that has a variety of different components, and Alluxio was originally Tachyon and then now has become, in its commercial form, Alluxio. They spoke about an issue of separating the storage from compute engines from the actual compete engines themselves. In the cloud, companies have had increasingly amounts of possibilities of storing in object storage and then having a variety of different compute engines applied to that storage. But that leads to having storage in many places. Some of that storage may be on something like S3, some of it may be on premise, some of it may be in another cloud. The solution