East Ridge Pres

Monday, 13 March 2017



Matthew 5:44  I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you… Jesus commands that we love our enemies. This means love the people that are the hardest to love. The people you hate to love. Love the one you do not like, you find unlovable. Love those who never love you, but only hurt you. Love those on the other side of every difference and barrier, those who are completely unlike you, think differently than you, look differently, act differently. Love no matter what they are, what they do, or how they treat us. Love means both a desire for the good of the person and an action of doing good to the person. Some have right attitude but they don’t act. Some have right action but resentment in the heart. Pray from the heart for the good of the person. Love does not mean you like a person, you are attracted to a person, or admire a person. In fact, if you someone to be treacherous and a liar, you are not bound to trust him. If he is evil in his actions, you are not bound to live in community