Hard Way Mba

Healthcare Disruption | Future of Healthcare | Joy of Practicing Medicine | Situational Awareness



Balaji Ramadoss: Future of Healthcare Balaji is the Founder and CEO, Edgility, where he is enabling a cognitive Healthcare disruption. Before launching Edgility he earned a PhD and worked in Healthcare for last 15 years as CRO for Tampa General and VP of Technology Experience for Stanford Healthcare Palo Alto. Prior to leading large teams, Balaji was in Public Health and responded to Hurricane Katrina, Deploying as tech consultant where he developed the first command center based on healthcare needs. Healthcare Disruption / Transformation Healthcare is ripe for disruption, where do start looking at this big system to create disruption? Healthcare is inefficient; Inefficiency is unethical Clinicians are the most important aspect of the equation Healthcare lacks situational awareness Joy in Practicing Medicine: Physicians, Nurses and Care Providers got into medicine the patients and the joy of practicing medicine, yet we hear a lot about physician's being very dissatisfied with their careers. What do you