Hard Way Mba

Jordan Harbinger: Art of Charm for business success



Who are you in a sentence or two? * I teach advanced social skill and personal magnetism. * Art of Charm. High Performers looking to go to the next level. * Seal Team 6. The Art of Charm sounds like a pick up artist training but that's not at all what you do. What does 'Charm' have to do with business success? * "Networking" * Charisma. Like & trust factors. * It's the secret game happening around you. People who are good at any job at all have this soft skill on lock. * "I know I'm going to be a cubical robot for my career unless I get this down..." * It becomes real obvious who's leader Listening, reading and studying your material it seems there are a few fundamental skills that everyone needs to master. Perhaps we can dive into each of these ideas in the context of a standard business networking event. Let's assume it's a happy hour / cocktails with good attendance and a variety of attendees, including some fairly heavy hitters. Most people do this wrong... Hey 'Jason Thomas nice to meet