Hard Way Mba

David Chapman: Change Management - Soft or Tangible ROI



Change Management: Soft side / tangible ROI. Can you quickly define change management for us? * Tech implementation are often all about getting tech right. No Defects. However, that does not define success. * Projects are about creating outcomes and that is often about the people. * Need to ensure people are ready, willing and able to function effectively. I’ve heard many people refer to change as an overhead cost or say that it’s difficult to put a tangible ROI together for it. How do you address this? * Are we ONLY protecting an asset, like insurance? B/C I’m not a fan of insurance, I prefer the risk. * If you're investing $1M in a system and expect $3M in return. What if no one uses the system? * Typically there's 70-80% of the value is dependent on people using the system. * Projects that deploy change are 6x more likely succeed. * IBM GBS study: 2/3 of projects are not successful because we don't address change correctly.