Hard Way Mba

Kirk Bowman: The Art of Value, Value Based Business Model, Ep 012



Let's level set; Art of value - When you say value, what do you mean? I'm sure it's not 'the cheapest in town'. - The value a customer will receive or achieve as a result of doing business with you. Must focus on the end result. What prompted you to take such a large departure from the standard time and materials business model? - Not every customer is open to having a great conversation... - What's most important is outcome. Everything I do should be focused on that outcome and is significant. We should be moving the needle. - Bad customers drive out good customers... Courage to drive them out early... How do you introduce the concept of value pricing to the client? - Guide the conversation with great questions. - Not every customer is open to having great conversations. - What's most important is the outcome you're seeking. I'm really interested in doing work that moves the needle - 10% or more. - Not every customer is a great fit / good customer. If you load yourself up with bad customers, you'll drive o