Hard Way Mba

Nathan Keller: Changing Industries, Sales Ramp Up, Tech and Business - Episode 004



Changing Industries - Self reflection is required. Be sure you're not jumping ship but moving towards a better opportunity. - Know why you were successful in the first place. - Be true to the process you have that creates value for your clients. Keys to Ramp Up Quickly 30 days - Learn the business, your new company, the people, the process etc. - Your competitors, the market, etc. - Shadow a peer on customer calls. - Understand the marketing collateral you have at your disposal. 60 day - get on the phone. - Create new contacts. 90 Days - Understand the sales process of the company. - What are the right metrics for me to watch. - What is our sales cycle? Intersection of Tech and Business - Tech is often seen as only a cost center but that's a huge oversight. - Risk is often overlooked by less mature businesses. What happens to your business if the tech doesn't work correctly? - Opportunity costs are another area many business leaders overlook. What are you not able to do because you're spending too mu