Finding Peace - Carol Howe's Weekly Spiritual Podcast

Life Always Keeps Us Pure And Clean...If We Choose To Notice



Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Life is constantly presenting us with reminders of our loveliness and purity when that’s what we choose to notice. In this case, the presentation was at the top of Vail pass in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Come along on a winter camping trip to remember once again our purity and innocence, veiled from us (no pun intended) by our fear. Each new moment is as pristine as the new-fallen snow and we can always choose again how we will experience it - see ourselves and others in a more generous light and watch our lives miraculously and easily unfold before us. For more on how to make that all-important choice, give yourself the gift of our user-friendly See How Life Works videos. You’ll be glad you did!