Finding Peace - Carol Howe's Weekly Spiritual Podcast

Joy Is Waiting For You...Children Can Prove It!



Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Joy is our birthright, an attribute of our very being, and - most important - always present. Our lack of experience with joy does not denote it’s absence, but our focus elsewhere, our preoccupation with ego demands. Young children, before layers of programming and conditioning, are naturally joyful. In this way, they are our teachers and remind us of what’s possible. Adults are burdened with years of perfected defenses but still there is hope for us. Join me for an unexpected and unforgettable journey into the stunningly clear, primal state of joy, proving that, indeed, it has not left and available when we move out of fear and align with the frequency where joy resides. Watch our See How Life Works films to find out just how this “upward” re-programming occurs.