Finding Peace - Carol Howe's Weekly Spiritual Podcast

Clear the Fog and YOU Become the Adventure



Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, More thoughts on the nature of defenses. We defend against those who see the world differently from us. We have decided, unwarranted though it is, that those who see differently must constitute an actual or anticipated attack. But we all see differently! The worlds we “inhabit” are all subjective extensions of our programming and conditioning. Learn how the brain with its programming decides what you do or do not perceive. We are urgently called to be pioneers in broadening our perspectives. “Take the risk” of choosing to see everyone as inherently the same - worthy of being loved - despite our outer differences. Then watch as the fog clears in your mind and a much happier life, always already present, appears before you eyes. A Course In Miracles and our See How Life Works films are perfect for guiding you into the uncharted territory of living with everyone as a friend. It could save your