Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 77 - Serving Others: An Entrepreneurial Responsibilty



As successful business owners, we come to a spot where our deep specialty fulfills a deep need in the world. Wealth becomes something you aren't necessarily chasing, it just comes naturally as we hone in on our skills and abilities. Yet we should always be mindful that increased wealth goes hand in hand with increased responsibility. In Luke 12:48 Jesus says, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." My guest speaker today, AJ Wilcox, will talk about how we are faced with two choices when we accumulate abundant wealth. We can either use our money to lavish on ourselves or to help others around us. AJ is the owner of B2Linked (, a company that specializes in LinkedIn Ads and holds the largest account in the world with that platform. Today he will share his amazing journey where he turned down a 6 figure income in corporate America to pursue the dream of working for himself.