Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 74 - Increasing Self-Love in a Selfie World



We live in a world caught up in the art of perfection. Often the images we see on social media are the result of edits, crops, and filters. It's easy to get caught up in the comparison trap where we can be left feeling miserable, depressed and unworthy....all because we are holding our lives up to altered images perceived as reality. But what if WE began to live a life unfiltered? What if WE decided to be completely comfortable as our raw, authentic selves?  My guest today has made this her life's mission. Danielle Valeriano, owner of, is challenging others all across the globe to be content in their own skin. Her desire is that people would truly know, love and accept who they are and be able to express themselves freely without worry of judgement.  Danielle shares how she felt the need to hide/cover/alter her own appearance for many years due to a scar left on her chest from an open heart surgery she had at the young age of six. She spent much of her life feeling like s