Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 012- 6 Distracting Emotions That Could Be Holding You Back



Today, we’re diving deep so that you can work on removing the negative emotions that could be distracting you. Fear, guilt, and resentment are something we all feel. How much attention you give those feelings determines how you live. Will you listen to the fearful voices in your head that say “Yeah, right…” to your dreams? Or will you hear those voices, feel that fear, and take action anyway? When I decided to stop listening to fear and accept that feeling afraid was all part of the journey to success, my fears started to go away the more I did what I was afraid of. This habit brought me to my most desired goals, including reaching the top sales rank in my company, increasing my income, and feeling proud of myself and my sales organization. I don’t think I could have reached those goals if I had kept listening to my fears and doubts! In this episode, I’ll tell you how I overcame my deepest doubts and stuck to the habit of feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Go to and enter your info to ge