She Rises

Phoebe Mroczek - When Your Dreams Change



Welcome back to another episode of She Rises! Today, Giovanna is talking to Phoebe Mroczek about unbecoming as a daily practice and what unbecoming is for her! Phoebe is a podcaster and marketing strategist who helps online entrepreneurs create a profitable business that is a reflection of who they are and what they want most. She is the host of the Unbecoming Podcast, a show that helps entrepreneurs release judgment, expectations and past conditioning to redefine their metrics of success and live a fun, free and fulfilling life. Phoebe explains the practice of releasing who you aren't and stepping into a life of who you are Phoebe talks about the box of expectations that society has placed you in Phoebe discusses focusing on the habit and not the outcome Giovanna emphasizes using your feelings as your compass rather than your destination Memorable Quotes: You are not just a mom. You are not just an entrepreneur. You are not just _________. You are so many things and you are capable of so much more.  Don't ru