She Rises

Dr. Heather McKee - Breaking Your Habits



Welcome back to another episode of She Rises! Today, Giovanna talks with Dr. Heather McKee. Heather is the UK’s leading behaviour change specialist, lecturer, speaker, and consultant. Having studied behaviour change psychology for 10 years her mission is to offer an evidence based sustainable alternative to an industry saturated with quick fixes and health fads. Heather works as a habit change coach to help support her clients in building healthy habits they enjoy and importantly that last a lifetime.She is well-versed in what it means to be brave and loves helping women get their brave on! Heather explains our barriers to change Heather talks about how change is both messy and hard Heather discusses deprivation and how it works against us Heather emphasizes that willpower is a muscle Heather explains implementation planning to be successful Giovanna talks about planned imperfection Heather talks about making small changes and repetition Memorable Quotes: We had all these amazing resources, yet people couldn'