She Rises

Linda Graham - How to Be More Resilient



On this episode of She Rises, host Giovanna Capozza talks with Linda Graham, author of Resilience: Powerful Practices for Bouncing Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, and Even Disaster. Giovanna and Linda discuss the power of resilience and the fact it is trainable and recoverable. The world constantly throws obstacles at us that make us feel like we will break, and today, we find power in knowing we can survive by practicing simple exercises to retrain our level of resiliency.   Linda shares her definition of resiliency and different levels of disturbance.    Linda discusses how people respond differently to different events at different times in their lives.   Linda explains where resiliency lives in our brain and exercises to strengthen the capacity of our brain to increase our range of resilience. Remembering one moment where you felt safe can activate the release of oxytocin and decrease blood pressure, which allows your body to find a sense of ease and calm. Linda talks about the power of giving your