She Rises

Giovanna Capozza - How To Find Your Way



In this special episode, Giovanna dives into a topic near and dear to her heart: The Hero’s--or Heroine’s--Journey. Sometimes we get to a place in our lives where we feel stuck. Maybe we feel like we are in a cave; we have no energy or inspiration. Or maybe we’re actually in an upswing and there’s lots of inspiration. The challenge is that sometimes we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel or we even believe there is no end to the tunnel. Understanding the heroine’s journey as a model of looking at the cycles of your life and where you are in your world, and what the next phase for you is, can be very calming and helpful.   Giovanna explains what the Hero’s (Heroine’s) Journey entails. Giovanna discusses her “Ordinary World” and her “Call to Adventure”. Giovanna challenges listeners to determine what stage of the Hero’s Journey they are in. EVERYONE gets a call and many people “Refuse the Call” or ignore it. Giovanna talks about her experience of  “Meeting the Mentor”. “Crossing the Threshold” is sc