She Rises

Julie Simon - When Food is Comfort



On this episode of She Rises, host Giovanna Capozza interviews Julie M. Simon, a licensed psychotherapist and life coach with over 27 years of experience helping overeaters and author of When Food is Comfort and The Emotional Eaters Repair Manual. Julie tells the story behind how she arrived on the topic of overeating. Body shaming and exposure to perennial dieting kickstarted an unhealthy relationship with food. At an early age many children are taught that food is comfort and children are not attuned to their emotions. When our brain is forming, we need consistent and sufficient emotional nurturance. The logical and soothing part of the brain need to be properly wired to the emotional part. Caregivers need to be well tuned in to themselves and those they care for. Julie goes over the emotional eating checklist from her book. Julie talks about ways you can fix the damage done during childhood. The inner nurturer can step in and regulate and attune you. Your inner nurturing voice will provide hope. Overeaters