She Rises




On this episode of She Rises, host Giovanna Capozza recaps her thoughts on the No-Man Diet, and how she experienced “No-Manorexia.” Giovanna recaps the episode of She Rises where she interviews Kendra Cunov. The No-Man Diet allows you to take a break from relationships and see what your patterns are. When Giovanna’s mom passed away she started to ask, “who’s going to love me now?” Giovanna realized that she had toxic love addiction. There’s a pendulum with relationships, you might experience “no-manorexia.” The mission of coming into sacred femininity, you need to be cautious of blocking out opportunity for relationship. Being closed off to relationships changed her levels of creativity and inspiration in business. When we close down feminine energy, that turns into lack of receptivity. Why being off balance could cause you to miss out on life. How to use the She Rises podcast as a conversation starter. Feminine and masculine energy applies to any sexual orientation. Ask yourself how these principles apply to