She Rises

Kendra Cunov - The Art of Deep Intimacy



Founder of Fierce Grace: Practices of Embodied Wholeness for Women, Kendra Cunov has been studying, facilitating, and (most importantly) practicing Authentic Relating, Embodiment Practices & Deep Intimacy Work for the last fifteen years.  Kendra has worked with thousands of men, women & couples in the areas of embodiment, intimacy, communication & full self-expression. She co-founded Authentic World, as well as The Embodied Relationship & Intimacy Training Salon, and pioneered some of the most cutting edge relation work on the planet. Kendra has consulted for companies such as Genentech & is currently on staff for 4PC, an elite mastermind for the top 4% of coaches in the world.  She works with organizations & leaders, as well as men, women & couples, who know that presence, truth, connection & integrity are our truest access points to success - in business & in love. On this episode of She Rises, host Giovanna Capozza interviews Kendra Cunov, the founde