She Rises

Silvia Christmann - The Entrepreneurial Journey



On this episode of She Rises, Host Giovanna Capozza speaks with Silvia Christmann about living her dream while being conscious of her wellbeing. Her core values revolve around two defining factors – her need for adventure and personal freedom. Silvia began creating her own reality from a very young age – a self-described opportunist. She was picked up by a serial entrepreneur and discovered that building businesses was her sweet spot. Silvia talks about the chaos she’d invited in leading to her grounded spiritual journey. She was a sickly child and has always had a fragile immune system, making her an outsider. Silvia talks about making the choice between her ambition and her wellbeing in New York. Women are living in a world where they’re asked to submit to a patriarchal system that tries to stop them from following their ambition. You have to step back, slow down and make sure what you’re doing is aligned with your sense of joy and wellbeing. Silvia talks about things that get in her way other than ambition