She Rises

The Science of Fulfillment



On this episode of She Rises, Host Giovanna Capozza discusses the science of fulfillment. Part of Giovanna’s personality from childhood is a constant underlying dissatisfaction. In the past, being an ambitious woman was not an acceptable thing. Ambition and dissatisfaction made Giovanna a seeker. Fulfillment can have two different drivers/sources: emptiness, A “runaway from” goal is when you’re trying to run away from a feeling, a cup with a hole at the bottom. A “run toward” goal comes from a cup that is fillable and can overflow. The plaster that plugs up the hole in your cup, is your relationship to yourself and the universe. If you don’t have your own sacred sovereignty, you’ll constantly be trying to fill a cup with a hole at the bottom. Start creating a practice of awareness and start noticing if you’re trying to fill a cup with a hole. Find out what the child inside is trying to get filled and validated. Start looking at how the science of fulfillment is manifesting in your life. Studies show that the