She Rises

Kelly Lynn Adams-Juggling It All



On this episode of She Rises, Host Giovanna Capozza interviews Kelly Lynn Adams, former corporate fashion industry powerhouse turned certified business, leadership and life coach. Adams discusses how burnout in her corporate job lead to the universe helping her discover how to teach people to juggle it all. Your body will let you know when you’re pushing too hard or doing too much. It doesn’t matter where you are, high-achieving women have a high stress level because we put pressure on ourselves. There’s always going to be where you want to be and where you are and the gap in-between. We’re so focused on the vision that we don’t stop to celebrate. You can still want more for yourself, but not at the expense of your mind and self-esteem. The more you slow down and are present, things start to flow, and people can feel your energy. Focuses on three pillars with the women she works with: mindset, time, monetizing in the business. You can only achieve your business goals if you’re your best asset. The only secret