She Rises

Terra Winston-Balancing Ambition with Life



Terra Winston, Ringleader of in Terractions and Principal of in Terract Consulting, has dedicated her life to helping her clients unleash the potential of each employee. She a leadership consultant and executive coach with 20 years of internal and external business consulting experience. Terra has a flexible style that has driven results in boardrooms and on plant floors, for Fortune 100 companies and small start-ups, alike. Terra's successful approach comes from her unique blend of "hard'. and %oft. business skills. She holds a BS in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia, an MBA from Stanford University, and coaching certification from The Coaches Training Institute and the International Coach Federation. Prior to founding in Terract, Terra worked at Deloitte Consulting as a consultant on process, strategy, and organizational engagements and as a Director at PepsiCo doing traditional HR and organizational development. With an expertise in leadership development and facilitation, Terra implement