She Rises

Is It Really Burnout? with Mark Ryan



Marc Ryan is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in California and a health expert in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, the autoimmune version of the hypothyroid disorder. His pursuit of alternative ways to seek healing of this disease that he struggled with has led him to write his book How to Heal Hashimoto's: An Integrative Roadmap to Remission, where he shares what he has learned from thousands of hours of research and working with thousands of Hashimoto’s patients. Marc continues to share hope and healing of patients with the disorder through his website, Hashimoto’s Healing  and Facebook group.   Marc joins me on today’s episode to share what Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is, the characteristics of people who are diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, and the difference between having Hashimoto’s and typical hypothyroidism. He also shares tips on how to care for your body and how to determine whether it’s time to see a health professional.   “There’s a big difference between being lazy and being tired.” - Marc Ryan