She Rises

Jodi Flynn - Women Who Take The Lead



Jodi Flynn is the Founder of Women Taking the Lead, a podcast and community of ambitious entrepreneurial women who want to go BIG. She works with Type-A women who are already successful but have not yet achieved the level of success they want to achieve. Jodi helps her clients to see how extraordinary they are and then set priorities, get organized, in action so they can achieve their biggest goals with ease. She became an Amazon bestselling author with the release of her book, Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to doing. Every woman has two sides: the side that she is proud to show to the world and the side that she tends to hide. The part of us that we hide is made up of our insecurities, our struggles, our fears. They are the feelings that arise when we feel what we are offering to the world is just not good enough. Today’s She Rises guest, Jodi Flynn, tackles the insecurities in women that drive them to push harder in their careers and personal life. She helps women devel