She Rises

Barry Paul Price - How to Date Men, Not Boys



Barry Price is a Dating Mentor and Coachville-Trained Life Coach who used to help his single, successful Mom analyze her dates. He now supports heart-centered, six-figure female entrepreneurs to attract, date and maintain a relationship with the man of their dreams. Though empowering for women, the feminist movement has taken a toll on men. Women stepping up and no longer hiding their power has unfortunately left men questioning where they stand—specifically in the realm of romantic relationships. So how does a woman find a man that they deem a proper fit? How does a woman maintain her femininity WITHOUT giving up her power to a man? These are the questions that will be addressed in today’s She Rises episode with guest, Barry Paul Price. Tune-in to gain a better understanding of the masculine and feminine energies that lie within all of us and how to achieve balance in ourselves before we can even dare to find our match. For free resources, go to Each person has BOTH masculine and feminine