She Rises

Shannon Confair - Mastering Visibility



Shannon Confair's journey is one of true inspiration and courage. Shannon was working in the daycare her son was attending when she encountered her first entrepreneurial opportunity—being the photographer at her boss’s friend’s wedding. From that point forward, Shannon learned what it meant to own her craft and BE the professional photographer that she wanted to be as she journeyed onward towards her dreams. Tune-in to learn how Shannon navigated her business while raising her children. She emphasizes the importance of knowing yourself, knowing your target audience, reaching out to your community, and increasing your visibility—all the things that have contributed to Shannon’s success. Today’s episode guest is Shannon Confair Just recently, Shannon had Giovanna on her Facebook live show where they talked about Giovanna’s work surrounding women Shannon has a unique perspective seeing through a photographer’s lens Please send us your feedback and comments at the She Rises website Shannon was a teen mom and has