She Rises

Diane Hughes – Emotional Weight and the Journey Back



My story begins in October 2007, I had a tragic event occur in my life.  My parents disowned me because of my interracial relationship with my now husband Keith Hughes. My parents had never met him or even knew his name. The fact that I was so disposable to the two people I love the most, destroyed me. Not knowing how to deal with this heartbreak, I began to consume myself with work to ignore the thoughts and began to feed my emotions with food. In December of 2011, I looked in the mirror and did not recognize the woman starting back at me. I weighed in at over 300 pounds! I was severely depressed, frustrated, stressed, unhealthy, filled with sadness, pain, felt completely defeated, hopeless and had a very bad relationship with food. I knew something needed to change, and I needed to be that change! In January of 2012, I embarked on a journey to lose 100 pounds in one year and regain my life back. My journey wasn’t always easy as I was faced with many challenges and obstacles in my path. My biggest challenge