She Rises

Layla Saad - The Journey of a Wild Mystic Woman



Layla Saad went from high achiever as a child to Law School as a young adult to wild mystic woman entrepreneur. She shares her journey and tools for personal growth and owning your worth and feminine mystique. Summary: In this episode, Giovanna Capozza interviews Layla Saad, a life coach, a spiritual and business mentor, a certified health coach, a speaker and the woman behind the Wild Mystic Woman. Layla’s mom once told her that things will be more difficult for her because of her race, religion and gender. Listen as Giovanna and Layla talk about the journey to sovereignty, how archetypes can help us become a better person, and the spiritual awakening Layla has gone through that led her to the Wild Mystic Woman.   Show Notes: Introduction to the podcast Introducing Layla to the show Layla and Giovanna connected on Instagram and Giovanna instantly knew that Layla was her soul sister Sovereignty is a meaningful word to Layla because of the things that she had been through Layla shares the journey that led her