Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Kevin Briggs – My LIFELONG Encounters with Extraterrestrials



One man's story of 60 years living with extraterrestrials The idea that human looking extraterrestrials walking amongst us is not new to those who have immersed themselves in the rich though still mysterious history of our relationship with non-human intelligence. More people are coming forward to report their frequent interactions with these beings, yet even more, perhaps millions are reluctant to speak out about their own contact encounters. Lifelong contactee Kevin Briggs is NOT one of those individuals. Recalling his first encounter with beings whom he refers to as Ort and Dee at the age of eight, Kevin maintains that these two beings have been with him for nearly 60 years - and at their urging, his mission has been to share his experiences with the world in hopes that more people will come to understand that they - the beings have and continue to be with us, especially through these turbulent times. In this episode, Kevin details his incredible journey alongside the ETs, what they have taught him