Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 Christmas Comeback Stories! - #14



1. A Christmas Carol - Scrooge overcomes his greediness and it's replaced with charity which changes his life forever!2. How "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" Became a thing (and how it helped somebody make a lot of money)3. The shepherds who followed the star to find the Christ child - I likened this to you following your dreams and taking action in your YIELD Moments. ;)Thank you all for an awesome 2019! I'm sorry that this was so late and I actually uploaded it in 2020! I'll learn and do much better in 2020. I'm just now starting to get used to the training wheels. Your support and feedback has been invaluable. I hope that we can all get better accquainted in 2020. :)