Brierly Hill 90210

Brierly Hill 90210 presents... 2020



We'd been living in our “dream house” for 12 years but, it having been built in the 19th century, there was always something failing, breaking or otherwise needing repair. It was beginning to take it's toll, both financially and in terms of time spent. So we decided it was time to move on. With the impeccable timing that had us buy it during a major financial crisis, turns out we would try and sell as the world experienced a global pandemic! Obviously that's the main story you'll hear about in this episode. The world went into lock-down, the kids stopped going to school and I stopped going into the office. But working for a company that manufactured highly sought after items like diapers and paper towels, unlike many others less fortunate, I was in no danger of losing my job. Mostly to keep the kids occupied, we bought some chickens... and then some ducks. We lost some chickens to a fox so we got a dog. While our house, which was clearly not selling, turned into a farm, I took up walking every morning to ma