Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

260: Self-Defeating Behavior, Living a Lie, and the Path to Inner Peace (feat. John Mark Comer)



This week, we're talking about self-defeating behavior, living a lie, and the true path to inner peace. Have you wondered lately why your mind is under so much duress and why you keep returning to self-protecting, self-promoting reflexes in your day-to-day interaction with others? Well, according to today's guest, one of my favorite people, John Mark Comer, “The emotional/relational/familial/societal/political meltdown we’ve been living in for years now is daily proof of the fact that our mental maps are off, that we're drifting further and further into dangerous territory.” What’s the linchpin that’s inhibiting our ability to course-correct? That's what we'll explore with John Mark today. If you enjoy this episode with John Mark, I'm sure you'll also enjoy: 232: Dr. Caroline Leaf on Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess 255: Triggered and Insecure? It’s the Thing Beneath the Thing. (feat. Steve Carter) Episode Links: John Mark's Website | Facebook | Instagram | Buy John Mark's New Book Subscribe to #WinTodayShow on